Nya Story
@NyaStory · 4:59

Lesson 1 Practice | My name is...

And it'll make it seem a little, you know, with an accent or something. I'm like, oh, I like that. Especially the nyjah. But Nyisha always made me feel like, ghetto, you know, like it was just, you know, too black. I would say. That's how I really felt the Isha. Cause people, it was a song back out, back then that was, I believe, another bad creation or the boys or something like that

#PubSpeak101Lesson1 #PubSpeak101 #pubsp101L1p1 @dbpardes https://s.swell.life/SUBpylClL8rZNLY #publicspeaking

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:23


Nya. That's an amazing story. I didn't think I'd go that left hand turn there in the middle of your swell. Just incredible. Thank you so much for going there with us and teaching us more about you and about the, I don't know, the power that you took back from that experience. It's just beautiful
Nya Story
@NyaStory · 0:22


Hi, Deborah. Thank you for responding. Swell is definitely pushing those limits. It is pushing me to actually be more open and just spontaneous with the response, like, just go for it. I love it here. Thank you so much and talk to you soon. Bye
Jess The Inve$tor
@BoldaciousNYC · 2:36

Amazing Story Sista!

So I'm like, I need to come on this platform and definitely just, just talk, you know what I mean, and just kind of go from there. But listening to your story, I was, I was definitely entertained, and it kept me on my toes. But, um, kudos to you. Kudos to you for trademarking that. Good job on that one
Nya Story
@NyaStory · 3:26


This year I am forming a social enterprise nonprofit to start, you know, my social club, women helping women to, you know, save money, start business, travel, you know, just something to uplift us in a community where we're uplifting each other and we're also, you know, there for each, for each other in a time of need
Jess The Inve$tor
@BoldaciousNYC · 3:15
Oh, and I love the fact that, you know, you have goals. It's not like you definitely have a plan. As far as, you know, I love the nonprofit idea, you know, with just women helping each other and, you know, just empowerment. I always love that. I'm always here for it, for sure. Yeah, not a problem. Of course
Nya Story
@NyaStory · 2:12


So I would love to get to know more about what you do and just, you know, keep up the great dialogue back and forth. And yes, I plan on doing a lot more with this podcasting. So yes, kudos to us. Have a good night. Talk to you soon
