Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 3:14

National science day: Role of CV Raman, what is Raman effect ?

Well, that was a question that Drummond asked himself and that led to this discovery. Taking you all back to the story that I promised. At 19, Si V ruman completed his masters and had built a strong reputation as a leading scientist both in India and in west. In the same year, in 1921, he made his first journey to England. It was unreasonable that Rahman observed the stark blue color of the Mediterranean Sea and pondered why it was blue rather than green @swell_talk_india #swellcast #collegevoiceindia #campusradio

Jewel James
@Jewel2003 · 1:11
India always had people with immense talent in a wide variety of fields and who are well known to the entire world, even if it's in arts, mathematics, science and in every field. India has given very high contributions to the world. And Savir Rahman is an other notable or remarkable person in history of science, not only in India, but all over the world. The famous Raman Effect a thought that rises from a small question like why is the sea blue but not green?
Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 0:44
So, yeah, ah, he is the person who deserves all the merits and all the uploads, so I just hope that we keep remembering him and all his fellow counterparts who play such an important role in the development of our nation. Thank you so much to you as well, for lending me your years, and thank you so much for your response
