The Fee
@NotSoPrivate · 5:00

Twin Flame vs Soulmate

So let's look up soulmate. So your soulmate is a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic person. So your soulmate is someone who you feel deep compassion to. You're connected with them. You're connected with them on a realm as though you feel like this is an unconditional love. Your soul loves them. You love them not just with your heart, but with your soul, with all of you

#love #happiness #heartbreak #life

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:26
Hey, I appreciate the question. I don't think I've heard this actually ever, the description of a twin flame versus a soulmate. But just off my first impression, I would say probably like a twin flame. Seems like they're going to be my best friend. Like somebody that I have a lot in common with or understand, as I understand myself, which obviously can come with some turbulence. But it feels, by the way you're describing it, maybe more like a sibling
The Fee
@NotSoPrivate · 1:08


Hello. So with me, I kind of from watching and learning and listening and trying to just pay attention, I see a twin flame as someone they gonna love you, you're gonna love them. And I wouldn't look at it more like a sibling type thing, because that person, everything is gonna seem awesome and wonderful, but at the same time, there's going to be, as you say, like a lot of turbulence
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00


You want them to grow and you want to grow with them, but it's not an automatic thing, you know what I mean? I ain't saying you roll, roll with me and get rolled over, but I want to know you well enough to know that you can see I'm putting something in. And I'm not looking to take nothing out. And whatever you in, I'm willing to support you
