The Fee
@NotSoPrivate · 1:32

Couples with separate living environments

To me, two couples living together two couples living together. Two people living together can make for better arrangements as long as they tend to get along very well. Because you can split the bills, you can save more, you can advance more. But separately, if you're strong enough to do so. How about just do it? Yeah. So what do you think? Bye

#Love #Couple #2023 #Independent #Man #Morman #Relationship #Goals #Finances

Catherine Illene Miles
@CattCoaches · 4:40
I've met couples where they met and became a serious couple later in life where they were both established already and didn't really need to build anything. They did end up building together, but because they were both already established, one of their rules for their relationship was, well, I'm going to stay at my house, you stay at your house. We'll stay at each other's houses, respectively, whenever we want to
The Fee
@NotSoPrivate · 0:44


You. Okay, so it is doable I know that? Thinking back to when I was younger, my stepfather, he did have his own little apartment for a little while, until, I guess, my mother was ready to let him move back in again. But there was a period of time where he did have his own space. So I'm not saying it's a horrible thing, but I don't know. I'm one of those I want to wake up with you in the morning
