Noa Lily
@Noalily · 4:55

Managing Finance When Abroad

And I think it's hard because in college, I always have a job to make sure that I've got some cash flow. So I'm not that reliant on my parents, and you can't do that here. So I'm still figuring out the balance right now, and I'm really trying not to be too hard of myself. I know a lot of these ideas on my list have actually worked out, so it's really just finding that balance. But that's my take on finances


Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:43


And I wanted to respond to this topic specifically around finance and travel. This is an extended period of time for you, so you obviously have to be on a budget and you don't want to throw caution to the wind and you want to have integrated into your schedule some kind of awareness which will carry through to your life. Absolutely
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 1:45


I love what you had to say about kind of deciphering what is feeding the body and what is feeding the soul, and that's something that I haven't really thought about in terms of budgeting. Well, honestly, my budgeting is so willy lily, but that's such a great way to kind of create those categories and to decide what is something I need versus what is something I want, kind of moving on from there. And it's so true
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:43


What have you had some of those? And, I mean, I'm just being voyeuristic now. What what were those like, and how did you navigate in your mind whether to spend money on it or not?
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 4:05


But I thought that this was so timely because in class we were actually talking about the significance of food in Portugal. And it kind of was validating exactly everything I was saying right before this, which was that food and meal, they're treated so differently here in Portugal versus in the state. And I personally have really enjoyed spending my money on that because I come out of every meal feeling super enlightened by my experience
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:18


Oh, I still get what you mean by just it's the ceremony, it's the ritual. It's the opportunity to be with human beings in a still moment. No devices, no distractions. You're around a table literally, like you're convening, and it's just beautiful. And we don't do that enough here in the States. It's not culturally
Noa Lily
@Noalily · 0:32
Thank you, Frankie, for just indulging in this conversation with me. It's been so nice to catch up with you in the swell world, and I actually feel so inspired to try so many new things in the city. I feel reinvigorated to really, like, explore and make the most out of my time here. So I really enjoyed this conversation, and there will definitely be plenty of more stories and swells to come. So yeah
