Nishtha Saxena
@Nishtha07 · 1:52

January 1st

Just remember that it is always the right time to do the right things, the time is always right. If you want to do the right thing and for the wrong things, the time is always wrong. In fact, there is no time such as right time or wrong time. It is just your deeds that do. If your deed is right, the time is right. If your deed is wrong, the time is wrong

#start #time #passion

Karmendra Thakur
@Karmendra1309 · 0:19
Hi Nishtha. Hope you're doing good. Thank you for sharing this beautiful quote. January 1 isn't the only day you can start over. Rightly said it's never too late to start over if you have that passion, good deeds, pure intention you can start over at any age, day or any time
