Nishtha Saxena
@Nishtha07 · 1:25

Never ever

I all this is Nishta Saxena and today is Thursday, 8 June 2023. And the time is 352 in the afternoon. So a very good afternoon to all my dear listeners. So today the swell is that many times we get tired and say I quit. But listen carefully. Listen very carefully. The moment we say I quit at that point change happens in our life. It's you. With consistency, with passion and courage we can do anything

#quit #winners #lifecoaching #change #lifeisgood #vibe

Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 1:50
Hey Nishta, you are totally correct that we should never say I quit and it's really a powerful phrase that emphasizes the perseverance and the resilience in the face of challenges. It really encourages us to maintain a determined mindset and not giving up
Nishtha Saxena
@Nishtha07 · 1:25
You. Hi, Kavya. Thank you so much for giving an ear to Kavya swell. So, yeah, with consistency, we can do anything. All the great things, all the great achievers, they all were able to achieve it because they were consistently doing it. So consistency is the key to achieve anything great. We should be consistent with whatever we do
