Nishtha Saxena
@Nishtha07 · 1:53

Do looks matter ? What do YOU think ?

Hi, my name is Nishtha Saxena and it is 130 in the afternoon. A very warm afternoon to all my dear listeners. So today I want to ask one question do looks matter? What do you think? In a relationship? Do looks matter? Her you know, no matter how much we want to deny the truth is a certain level of physical attraction is required for a romantic relationship. There is a reason why words such as handsome and beautiful came into existence

#love #looks #attraction #physicalattraction #relationship

Patrick Derns
@patasd101 · 1:51
Hi, how are you today? My name is Patrick and I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. I wanted to respond to your swell. I feel that looks absolutely don't matter. Why should they? Okay? We're all human beings. We have different blood types, but we are all pretty much created the same. I don't feel that I should have to look at you and judge you based on how you look
Nishtha Saxena
@Nishtha07 · 1:26
So as I said, that looks matter, but only up to a certain level. The attraction fades, but the personality remains. So the looks, the age which you are in today will decline with time. But your inner personality, your inner beliefs, your intuition, your thoughts, your perspective about things, that is something which is original, which is going to stay with you for a longer period of time
Nishtha Saxena
@Nishtha07 · 0:51
Hey. So you just said it correctly and I very much agreed with you that a healthy balance is what is required. So having good looks and a rude personality is something which no one desires or no one looks for. And the other way around also. So the way we are looking, it also tells a lot about our personality, about our habits, about us as a person. So, yeah, you correctly said it that a healthy balance is what is required. You so yeah
