Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 4:57

Change requires letting go

So there's gonna be some things that you have to cut out, you won't have to let go of some things that used to be fun. And honestly, if you're really committed to your transformation, you committed to your growth, you're gonna feel when these things are no longer serving, you have no general reason to do them outside of that, you're just used to doing them. But you're gonna feel
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:57
And maybe you think it's not the right one, okay? But then you readjust or you feel some sort of pain, but it's useful. It's all useful in the end, I think. But, yeah, I truly agree with you that change requires letting go. Really? Even if it's painful? Maybe especially if it's painful
