Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 4:59

A healing sense of humor

But I feel like it's almost as if finding humor has become a necessity, because if I don't find humor in these situations, then I'll become trapped in the negative notes and emotions. Other things. Like, for instance, waking up in the morning. It's not always the best time for me. Like, there's times when, you know, I admit that I do wake up on the wrong side of the bed
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:48
I totally hear you. I'm the same. I need to take things with a bit of humor, especially on the days that I feel most dismal. It's like a little life raft, and it's not going to fix everything, but it can help, like, wiggle you out of, like, a negative space. And I get that maybe for a lot of people it doesn't work like that. And it can be kind of strange
Nate Potts
@NateP1500 · 0:44
Thank you so much. I appreciate you. I appreciate that. You listen, you kind of comment on my things pretty regularly. So, you know, I'm always grateful, if anything, that I say, it resonates with another person because, you know, it makes you, makes you feel less alone, like you're not the only person that thinks, you know, a certain kind of way. So thanks for, like I said, tuning in
