Shobhana Nair
@nairshobs · 4:17

Mysterious Temple That Defy Science & Logic

Hi all. Good afternoon and a very happy Sunday. Today I have something interesting to share. I'm going to share the mysteries that is associated with the famous Jagannath temple. The Jagannath Puri temple, built in the 12th century holds a lot of importance among the Hindus. It is also considered as one of the chardham pilgrimages in India. I tell you, everything about this temple is unique. Did you know it took three generation worth of effort to build this huge historical structure?

#Miracles #Mysteries #Logic & Science #Faith

ash dew
@ashdew · 0:45
You. Hey, thank you for sharing. That swell. The topic that you've taken is really interesting. And I have been following Praveen Mohan on YouTube and because I'm really interested in ancient technology and archaeology and the extraterrestrial theories that they have. And many temples are there in India that totally defy science and they have such veered and astonishing carvings that give us a glimpse of what the world would have been back then. I personally find all this so fascinating. Thank you for sharing
Shobhana Nair
@nairshobs · 0:44


Hi, Ash. Thank you so much for your feedback. It's really kind of you to take time and express your views and I'm eternally grateful to you for that. How I came across this was my first podcast, which I have recorded was on Jagannathuriyatra. And while searching for the content, I came across these several mysteries and I thought, I must make a podcast on the same. And so I did. And thank you so much for your share and your thoughts and do stay connected
