Nadine Martinez
@Nadine-Martinez · 1:24

Asking for guidance. Not vibing on the same frequency.

But at moments it feels like it takes out your energy and find yourself that there's no alignment. Wondering if this happened to you and how you were able to overcome it, or if you have any suggestions for me. I really want to nurture this relationship but can't seem to get past a different feeling. Unsure how even to describe it. I hope you take the time and send your advice to me. Have a great day. Bye

#energy #frequency #relationships

Marilyn Bloodworth
@ladyB521 · 2:10
Hi, Nadine. This is Lady B. I certainly enjoyed listening to you. I wanted to just share what I personally think. Personally, I think it is what we call the spirit of discernment that is God putting in your spirit to let you know that there's something about that person. You may like that person and you may want to spend time with that person, but that's just God letting you know. Beware the spirit of discernment. There's something about that person that's not right
Nadine Martinez
@Nadine-Martinez · 1:08


I need to put it in practice and there's something I don't know what it is, but I really want to be in good harmony, good relationship with people and sometimes it feels forced, but I will definitely practice. Quick to listen and slow to speak. Thank you
Marilyn Bloodworth
@ladyB521 · 2:18


So God is kind of like putting that in your spirit to kind of let you know, be careful. It's there for a reason. That's why I thank God for that inner man. It's there for a reason. He's letting you know there's something about that person that is not right. And so what I would normally do is what I just shared with you earlier
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
But I know all the time, too. And you know yourself better than I know you. But I know when it don't feel right. Because feelings aren't fact. They're not fact. That's how people wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Nothing happened. They just wake up with an attitude. Or they're angry as using anger as, like a type of COVID emotion, because it works for everything
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mike W
@Scribe7 · 2:55
It so real quickly. You you may have time, you know? I mean, if you're not in any danger, you know what I mean? You may have time, but don't be like me and sit there and try to figure out this feeling for eight years. Not good
