Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:29

Speak To It Part 1

If you don't know what it is that's holding and taking captive of your mind, we need to ask the Holy Spirit what it is. When we know what it is, we can then demand it to leave. Wherever it is, it can't stay when we exit, exit because we are using the power of Jesus. When we use the power and the authority of Jesus, nothing has stand against him

#speak #rebuke #grace #authority #God #Jesus #cast #prayer #Bible

🦋Lady-T Show🦋
@NoFilter247 · 3:57

Thank you

It's just that when your heart is broken from someone just tearing apart and they just walking around as if nothing happened, as if they didn't hurt you, but I always tell myself, this too shall pass, and I'm going to be okay. I know I will. So anyone who else is going through this breakup or a situation you feel like you just heartbroken from, trust me, it's going to be hard
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:03


I had a lot of confidence, but I was broken because I love this person so much that I gave every ounce of myself and then I didn't have them. And it made me feel that I couldn't go on, to be honest with you. I felt like my life had ended. And as I gave more and more of myself to God, he realized he showed me that you are so attached to them that you didn't realize that you gave them every piece of you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

🦋Lady-T Show🦋
@NoFilter247 · 3:12

Thank you! Happy Tuesday

So it's like if you were to see me personally, if you knew me personally, you'd be like, girl, you don't look like you even been through what you are going through, what you've been through, what you're going through. So, yes, ma'am. Trust and believe me, nothing can throw me down. Like nothing can get me down
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:56


And, yes, I will support you. You support me. And I'm just so grateful to hear your voice again. I'm glad you're doing all right. And I think her space is such a great thing for women and people that are needing things like that. That is just such an amazing thing. And I pray it grows, and I pray that you become blessed, and I hope that you have a beautiful Thursday. It's Thursday. Almost halfway through the week
