Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:27

Submerging Ourselves In Our Prayer Life Part 1

When we give our time and energy to God, he could take what we need. He could take what we've been asking. He can change it for our good. This ends part one in submerging ourselves in our prayer life

#pray #elevate #God #bless #listen #power #authority

Johnny League
@pastorjohnny · 0:54


You. Thank you, my dear sister, for sharing that. What a powerful encouragement to pray and to seek after God in his face. It's been a long time since I've been in this application, but I just came back on today. I saw your invitation to reply and I just wanted to do that. And I just want to just give a word of encouragement to you two. I really appreciate what you're doing here in this platform and in this ministry
Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 0:48


You. Hey, Pastor. Sorry for the late reply. I appreciate you praying that over me and saying those kind words. I give God the honor and the glory, and I just very thankful for God for using me, you know, just being a willing vessel. I just I thank you for saying those words to me. It really means a lot, and I don't know, it just means a lot coming from you, hearing you say those words to me
