Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:47

How much should we be willing to give up to support someone’s dream?

We got to have money to pay bills, and we ain't got any money. And so she ended up breaking up with him. Now, I don't know, as far as his career success, financially, where he's at now, but at the time, he did not have money to pay those bills. And so then there's a conversation around, okay, well, how much should she be willing to sacrifice to help this man pursue his dream?

#love #support #clubshayshay #podcast

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:55


You have to count up what that means. You have to figure out what that means, what that looks like financially, what that looks like as far as your time, and then go from there. So I'm going to always support the man that I marry. I'm going to always support him in everything that he does. Um, but if he doesn't listen to me, then that's a different conversation
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00
Who's full of it. And conversely, you get some woman that won't stick by a guy who's really about it. It's interesting. What I do like though, Tanya, is that when I interviewed a guy last week named Daitane and you responded and you spoke about his ten year plan, and I so love your response when you said that you the man, I follow you, you lead. I so love that. I didn't even think them type of women exist anymore
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:08


And so that makes me kind of sad that a man who is a good person and who does know how to express himself well and who does listen when women talk and tries to bridge the divide, it makes me sad that you say you don't want that because as good of a man as you are, the right woman can make you so much better. And you can make her so much better like the right woman could. And I actually know somebody who
Ledona Hentley
@Listen2AuntieL · 3:10
And I think that that's where communication comes in, because I think, too, a lot of times, people, I just heard Chad Ocho Cinco talking to two young football players on another podcast, and he was telling them that they were 22 and 23 and they didn't need to be focused on having a girlfriend and being in a relationship. They should just focus on their craft. So I think that was a lot to ask him, for him to ask of her
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:47
You don't focus on the right now because when you do, you never get there. If you think about the struggles that you're having and who's not doing what, relationships are about two people. So if my man has a dream, I'm going to support his dream like he going to support mine. If he don't support mine, then I don't know. But I always support everybody. It doesn't matter who they are
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:35


That's my expectation. But that's a rarity. Every now and again you have somebody that hits the jackpot the first time, but most often than not, people have to spend time grinding it out, building it up, regrouping, going back to the drawing board a couple of times, figuring things out. It happens and life happens
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:39


Hey, mo, thank you so much for your response. As I was listening to the beginning of your response and you were saying that women don't like to stick it out with men anymore, it reminded me of a Dave Ramsey podcast I listened to where a woman was married to her husband. Her husband had a tendency to want to start a bunch of business ventures that ended up failing. And it had gotten to a point where he had really put the family in a financial bind
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:51


I mean, he ain't crazy, wildly famous, but he makes video content and he's had a few small parts in movies and stuff. But who knew, out of all the millions of people that be making videos every day, who knew that this particular guy was going to hit it big? Who knew? It's easy to say that after the success, it's easy to say. I always knew they were going to be fan. I always knew. Always knew
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:29


And unfortunately, we see situations like that where women do stick by men and try to believe in them, but these men never really put, they never really take themselves seriously enough to put that kind of time in. And then it's like, okay, I'm wasting time here trying to help you do something that you're not even invested in. So I agree with you 100%, and thank you so much
