Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:45

Are We A Product of Our Environment?

My dad got saved later on in my childhood, and after that I saw my grandmother, his mom and my aunt, his sister both give their lives to Christ and decide to get baptized and become Christians. My grandparents were not in the Christian faith. They were not in the church. And so I don't have a lineage of Christian family members. I don't have a lineage of preachers and pastors and all that stuff in my family

#life #environment #values #morals #choices #culture

Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 4:16
Hey, SIS. Yeah. I believe a lot of us at some point well, damn near everybody, I should say that everybody at some point was a product of their environment, because if you're a minor, for example, there are things you just have to do because your parents are the ones who make certain decisions. You brought up church, so I'm going to talk about church, and that's actually a good one, but I'm going to use that as an example
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:06
Hey, Tanya, it's Erica here. So great. Swell, by the way. And like you, my immediate family was not religious like that. We didn't attend church every Sunday or anything. In fact, we attended church on Christmas and Easter. So that's when we attended church. And also, just like yourself, my father ended up getting saved later, and we all got saved together. It was him, me, and my sister that ended up getting saved together much later
Arthur Benitez
@Arthur_Dante · 5:00
So it is overall very interesting this topic, because whenever you are born, of course you are born within a context. You are not in an abstract world, you are not a number. For example, you live here in the real world and within it. You live in a certain place, in a certain era, in a certain year, you have some certain parents and all of those factors start to be part of who you are and who you will become
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:53


And the person I was talking to, they were like, yeah, now that we're talking about someone, we're saying now that they're getting older that the DNA is starting to the things that were in their DNA are starting to come out. I said, but here's the thing. That may be what's in their DNA, but they were raised in your home
