Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:43

Taking The Step To Become A Child Advocate

And what Acasa does is they represent the needs and interests of children who are in the foster care system. So once a child has been removed from the home and they're foster care, meaning they may have a foster family or they may be in a group home, you as their advocate, you build a relationship with the child by visiting them a couple of times a month, getting familiar with their natural family. Not their natural family, but their foster family. Their natural family

#children #safety #fostercare #socialservices #adoption #advocate

Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 4:00
I ended up asking the judge to place four of the kids with the mother grandmother. And then my last child went to the father's grandmother because that's what was the better fit. It's amazing what life takes you through, but it's more amazing of we of parents, what we're willing to take our children through when we haven't heal, because the cycle continues centuries after centuries. And my mother, she just refused to get it together
