Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:51

After age 40, Are we still trying to find ourselves?

And from that, I was thinking about how I keep hearing from women how they are still trying to find themselves. And so I read a story about a man who was married and had children, and he said that one day his wife decided that she did not want to be married anymore. He said it came out of the blue. There was no warning, no sign of trouble

#women #life #journey #dream

Kalifa Thomas
@MayaDevi · 3:07
But if I'm not honest with me, about me, if I reject who I am, then I'm always on a journey of self discovery. Not because I don't know, because I refuse to accept who I am. Refusing to accept who you are is a personal problem, though, that perhaps you would need therapy, extra counseling. I would definitely recommend running to Jesus at this point, because he's the only one that can really help you accept yourself
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 4:45


One was about, you know, destructing a marriage or deconstructing a marriage because there are limiting features in the marriage that have kept a person from discovering themselves. I can't make any assumptions about that dynamic. There are so many things that could be true that we don't know about if somebody's in a marriage that limits them because of just the nature of how they connect, the limitations of how that person perceives you, and you're like, wow, inside this structure, I am limited
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:51
I believe a lot of us don't truly know who we are because we're in a system, sometimes systems, societies, families, and yes, even marriages can trap people in a way, but we don't see it as a trap because of course we love the ones who we're with. We don't see it as a trap, but it's something that's in you, a desire that you never knew was there. It could be an epiphany that sparks this
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:51


And instead of accepting that you might never belong to certain circles, you may never be accepted by certain people, you may never be recognized by a certain community of people and just accepting, okay, those people may not be my tribe, I might really like them or think that I belong there, but maybe I just really don't. Maybe I just really shouldn't strive to be a part of something that I'm not meant to be a part of. I can go into this career field
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:48


Should I still be trying to strive to be an artist when I already know that this is not my strength. Well, no, I'm only going to fall short of expectations that end up breeding disappointment in my life because I'm not living up to my potential. Well, that's not my potential. I heard a pastor say the other day that you can set your ladder up against the wrong wall and proceed to climb trying to reach the wrong wall
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:43


A lot of the people that we know on bigger stages, some of them got their start on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, places like Know. So it's possible to do those types of things. And I don't think there's any age limit to pursuing that kind of stuff. When I was talking about finding ourselves, I'm talking about if someone says, who is Edward? You can say, this is who I am. This is my heart, this is my character
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:30


Are we trying to find out what type of mind we have as far as what is our capacity for learning? Are we trying to find out what we're passionate about? What is part of my core and what do I believe in and what hill am I willing to die on? What do I believe the core of who I am? What am I passionate about?
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:57
Hi Tanya, thank you so much for responding. I see exactly what you're saying. And yeah, I agree. As far as who we are, like for instance, I know I'm the type of person, if we're going to talk about the mind and our deal breakers, I am a type of person. I believe. I believe in change. I'm a person who I work better in small groups, one on ones
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:46


And I don't know, maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean, and I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong or you'll help me to understand better, but I don't think it's anything wrong with finding yourself. Even people who have been in careers for years, right, they want a different career because that career no longer gives them pleasure. It no longer makes them happy. So they look for something else, right?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:17


If we look in the Bible, God always told especially his prophets, who they were. And I know in the earth, of course everybody is not a Christian but even in the earth after years of learning about ourselves, there's some things I know about myself I'm not continuing to find myself because there are some things I already know about myself and these things may have just been constants throughout my life
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 1:59


And I was in my 40s when my father passed. I was actually he passed right after, like, he passed two weeks after I turned 40. My dad did. So that was, like 40. I turned 40 on November 1. He passed November 21. I'm sorry. I turned 40 November 4, and he passed November 21
