Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:48

Kids Mental Health Days

And then we'd end up laying on the couch pretending we're sick all day even though nothing is wrong with us, but we at least got a day of being able to veg out on the couch and watch TV. So it was worth it to us to fake being sick every now and again. But could these mental health days be a sign of something deeper that's going on with our children?

#mentalhealth #school #stress #parents #teachers

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:57

#mentalhealthdays #children #listenharder

Mental health days are great. They might just want to play, and that's cool. But if that's the reason, you can deal with that a whole lot better than, mom, somebody's picking on me, or I want to kill myself. There are a lot of children that take their own lives in regards to stress. And if the parents possibly had asked them what was truly going on, maybe that wouldn't have occurred
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:40


School nowadays is way more stressful than it was when I was in school, and it was stressful then. You got tons of homework due. You're taking five or six classes. You got tons of homework due. And then on top of that, you've got projects. And if you're into extracurricular activities after school, you got to do that. It's a lot. And I see some of the homework these kids get nowadays. I mean, they'd be piling them on
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:37


Like, I don't know what I would do if I was in high school today. But even back then, especially when you're trying to finish and graduate, there's a lot going on, and it can be very wearying. And so you need that day off. You need that rest, and there's nothing wrong with it. I know some people will say, oh, that's soft parenting. No, it's just recognizing, hey, my child gets stressed out
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59
She told me that she gives her children one mental health day every marking period they get one day. That is a mental health day. They can tell her, like, hey, I need a mental health day today. And they're good. They can go stay home. And when she said it, I was like, I was thinking about it. And when she said it, I ain't going to lie. My manager is white
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:03


They're all kinds of stuff. Not saying all teachers are bad, but we see reports of teachers being abusive, verbally and physically abusive, or they're having sex with their students, or they're in class talking about anal sex and things like that. We did not have to go through none of that stuff in school. And so, yeah, you're right, they do need mental health days. And just like you were talking about your grandson in the backpack
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59
I do want to touch on one thing you said to Andrea in your reply to her about the know, I don't know how it is across the country, but in my like, every school is a magnet school, and so because they want to do diversity and what have you, everybody's bust around
