Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:26

#AskSwell | Should Adult Children Age 30+ still receive child support payments?

Because once the courts get involved and they decide and the state gets involved and they decide that they want to enforce the Child Support Order, it's out of the parents hands. Because even if a parent decides they want to drop a child support order against the other parent, if they decide, okay, we're just going to let bygones be bygones and move on. It's not entirely up to them to do that because the court can still enforce it

Should child support orders expire? #family #children #childsupport #askswell

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:12
And I know somebody that they did. They messed with somebody's Social Security check because he had arrears, and so they took money out of his Social Security check. And so he was not getting as much as he needed to live off, so he had to go to court and petition to court, and they were like, no, you should have paid it when you were younger. Right? And I don't agree with that. Right?
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:10
So, yeah, the system overall needs to be revamped or at least like some sort of individuality for each particular case. It's best to keep the government out to business because they are in our business enough with taxes and they see our checks before we do as it is. So it's best to keep the government out of it. But hey, life is not perfect and that's what happens
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:33

Should Adult Children be getting Child Support

That parent has taken care of that child their whole entire life by themselves. The other parent has been negligent in contributing to the everyday wear and tear of their clothing, what they put in their mouths, where they stay at. And that mother or that father might have truly struggled to get through with that. And I don't think that after they turn 25 or whatever, that you shouldn't have to pay back what you owe. That parent still went without
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:56

@MsColes77 Interest on Arrears!!!!!

So he said that once you get behind and they start charging you arrears, they also charge you interest, and the interest is like almost more than 50%. And so I was like, Are you serious right now? He was like, yes. He said that's why when some people get behind, they are never able to catch up. And that's why the child support order is open for so long, because they have all of this arrears and all of this interest on it
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:45


But the parent is still getting child support payments because of all the compounding interest and all of the arrears that are still sitting there that the court now takes over and the state starts to pursue that person for those arrears. So yeah, that happens. Unfortunately, it happens. In fact, if a person is $2,500 or more in arrears, they can't get a passport
