Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:35

Singles, we can unknowingly take ourselves off the market

You either got to focus on dating or you have to focus on the other areas of your life that you're interested in. Why not focus on both? It's about balance. It's about being able to do both at the same time. While I'm building my career. Why not join some groups or organizations that will put me around the opposite sex so that I can grow and build relationships with the opposite sex and potentially find a date in the process?

Are we distracting ourselves away from dating? #love #romance #single #dating

Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 3:35
I've heard stories like that where somebody might have been interested in another person, but because that person is always hanging around a group of people or a specific person, it's like, oh, I didn't bother because I figured that person was with somebody else. And it's like, no. And by that you're kind of blocking and by doing that, I feel like you're blocking your blessing. So yes, I completely agree
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:34


But really and truly hanging out in groups all the time, especially as you get older, it's not really conducive to you making yourself available for people to approach you. Because for one thing, guys are most likely not going to approach you in a group of five or six women. Because if you're not interested, he ain't trying to be embarrassed in front of your friends, nor does he want you and your friends talking about him when he walks away
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:46
Well, I'm doing stuff now. You say I'm busy. But I realized that I literally had no space for a man in my life. And so I am so thankful for my relationship coaches. When I hired them, they really taught me some things. One of the things that I learned from them is I set up Saturdays as my date day. And even when I was single, I would still just take myself out on a Saturday because my son got used to it
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:41

#dating #single #maketime

How's the online dating going? It's hit or miss. But I do agree with everything that you said. Everybody said we have to take time out and make time to date, make time to go out, make time to make ourselves available so that people know we're available, and then even make time so that once we get someone, we can factor them into our lives. That's something that I've seen recently, is people
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:10


It so that when we do get married, we're not having to make all these radical changes immediately, but that we are already shifting into that mode, shifting into that marriage mode. And I think that's so important, making those preparations to get married by not getting so attached to single living and our single routine that we don't know how to make those adjustments when the time comes
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:29
I revealed something that's true to me, realized very early on it's not a match. So instead of trying to continue something and force it to be something or forced to change him, you know how women talk. Girl, you should still win, girl, you never know, you might have influenced him to be no. Let that man be his true self. Let me be my true self. We are way too old for that. And then that's where the negative experiences come in
@Royalcapability · 5:00

when you date on purpose for a purpose your prospective is different! #maketimethough #goals #manifest #accomplished

Hello. So I heard you say the dating market. I actually pulled myself out of the dating market, out of the dating pool or whatever, because I was at a point in my life where I just wanted to take that time out. I didn't want the distraction of a man or anything. And a lot of things I pulled myself away from not only that because because I wanted to focus. And we as individuals know what we need to focus and to become a better us
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:34
My family is just so scattered everywhere. I don't really have a strong family here. Everybody's moved away, everyone's not really talking and so it really makes me reflect on what's important to me and I feel like companionship is one of them. I also used to get a lot of heat for focusing on dating and I wish I would have kept that out of my head when I was younger
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:33


That's all you all talk about all day, but yet you all wonder, why don't nobody really want to fool with you like that? So, yes, this was an excellent point, SIS. You can take yourself off the dating market with your negative attitude. Yes, you can. Thank you so much
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:16


But I think that men need to also acknowledge, whether it's to another man or whomever, they need to acknowledge some of their pain, some of their insecurities, some of their wounds and traumas and things that they've gone through. Some of the failures in life they've had to face and be willing to do the work so that they could be healthy for the next woman that comes into their life
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:20


But really, it takes us out of the dating market, because men are not impressed with super busy women. They're just not they're not impressed with women that always have something going on and never have time for people in their life. That's just not impressive to them. And so it's definitely something to keep in mind before we take on the next project or say yes to the next thing we need to keep in mind
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 5:00
You've listened to them say these things with such confidence to realize that that was just their way of coping, with not having a partner, not finding a partner and being extremely busy. It's their way of just ignoring that they really want somebody, and they may feel that they can't receive it, or it may be a time where they're not in today. And that's their journey, their life
