Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:57

Can You Love Your Children and Not Like Motherhood?

They are to blame for why you're not happy. They're to blame for why you're not fulfilled. They're to blame why you're not doing everything you dream of. They'll internalize it because they'll see this video that says, I hate being a mother. I hate motherhood. And it'll be hard, it'll be difficult to make your children understand that it's not their fault, because they'll internalize it

#mother #parenting #children #family #motherhood

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:53

They are taking care of ev-ery-thing😑

What's interesting is that she went on to have, after that one child, of course, she went on to have more children with her husband. So it's like, I don't know, that's something that they need to discuss. But, yeah, that's the dark side of motherhood. Because Hood and being a mother, to me, that's not a separate thing
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:01


So maybe these mothers just held that pain internally and just kept it under wraps and just pushed through the best way they could, even though deep down inside, they really know unraveling. So, yeah, definitely these moms lifted up in prayer, especially these young single mothers and those that don't have help financially or in a form of community around them to take some of this pressure off. So thank you so much To
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:36
Hey, Tanya. Wow. The lady that you talked about on Twitter. I didn't hear about that, but that is very sad. And it goes to show that raising a family is not meant for just one person. My sister, for example, is raising two kids by herself. One of them my niece. She's in college now, just started college a few weeks ago. My sister has been doing a fantastic job raising the kids on her own
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:24
I can leave my work and I don't have to think about working until the next day. I can walk out of the kitchen and leave the dishes. But you can never leave parenting. I don't say I hate it, but I fully understand that that's how someone may feel. And I don't like the fact that there's nowhere for you to turn. If you actually hate it, there's nowhere for you to turn. It's this idea. Those are your babies
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:48
She was been a mom for, like, six, seven years. She could not wrap her head about being called a mother the third time. So that was kind of alarming, but that was true. But, yeah, I think that those trends of, oh, we need to stop it with that, because that's not like I said, it's okay to think that way, to be that way
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00


When you love being a mother, you love spending time with your children, because that's what mothering is. It's spending time with your children. It's imparting your children. It's nurturing your children. It's finding out about their day and helping them with their problems. And that love for your children. And the love of mothering never stops. I've told you guys countless of times how old my children are, and I still love mothering. My children
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:04


And that's why, you know, although I understand where they're coming from, because some of the same issues that they have are issues that you have from adoption, right? Not feeling loved, not feeling wanted, not feeling a part of you deal with abandonment and rejection because you're wondering, like, why my mama don't want to love on me, why my mama don't want to hug on me, why my mom don't want to kiss on me?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:42


It's not know you don't like being a mother. It's just that there are parts of the job you can do without. And I think that that could be said know a lot of things in life it's not that we don't love, it just like even with marriage, it's not that you don't love marriage. It's just there are certain parts of marriage that are no fun
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:22


Hey, SIS. Thank you so much for your response. I love how you said that you love being a mother, but there are parts of the job that you don't like. To me, that's a more realistic description of motherhood versus the whole, I love my kids, I hate being a mom. Your description was much more realistic to me. I love being a mom, but not all fun and games
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:58


They resent the fact that they are having to raise these children alone. They're resenting a lot of aspects of motherhood. And that anger and resentment sometimes carries over to the children, to where they become abusive to the children, or they start abandoning their children, rejecting their children. They don't want to love on their kids. They don't want to nurture their kids
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:42


It is not in their instinct to be affectionate with their children or to teach their children, I'm sorry, I got somebody is weed eating or something outside and to close this window real quick. But we can see that nurturing is clearly not automatic for a lot of women. And I think that in itself is something that has not been taken seriously, that some women just don't have that maternal instinct, but it's always laughed off as something some women just don't have that
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:39
Whatever happened to those tightest two women that are willing to sit down and talk to these young girls and explain to them some of the things that they may face as a mother and how to navigate through certain seasons of motherhood. They don't have that. So they turn to the internet to complete strangers and talk about how much they hate being a mother, how much they hate the role of mother. Because in their mind, they don't see any good in it
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:40


So there's so many levels, right, to what a mother or a parent we're talking about mother, but what a mother really faces in her day that I just hope people give people grace. Hate is a strong word, like I said, but I wouldn't use it. But if a mother really isn't to that point of hating it, who can help her? How can we help her as a village so that it's not such a heavy burden for her?
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:33


He asked me to have a baby with him. And we were together for a bit, and we were together off and on for a few years. But never in my mind did I ever think, I will say with my first daughter, I did think about adoption with her just because I was of my age and stuff like that. But it wasn't because I didn't love her
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 3:23
I should have did what I needed to do to protect myself. But I was ready to have my daughter. I wanted to have my daughters in my 20s because I wanted her to grow up with me. So when I'm grown, she grown. So when she's grown, I can now enjoy my life. But I did it when I was ready, because motherhood is being a mom
