Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:47

Travel Clubs/Groups: Yay or Nay?

And then you find yourself either having to pay a lot more to go on a trip because you have to cover the people that left, or you end up not going on this trip at all because it's just way too expensive or it's just not safe to internationally travel alone as a single female. So I think the travel groups afford people the opportunity to connect with like minded people who want to travel and who enjoy traveling. I love the all inclusive aspect of it

#travel #vacation #trips #fun #group

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:29
We cannot travel together. We can't travel together. And so you got to find a nice personality mix with people. And sometimes you only know through trial and error. Guess what I'm saying. You could be communicating with someone, be super tight with them, how they travel and how they sleep and how they keep their hotel room clean or not. All of that, you have to experience know it. So I think a lot of these things can be trial and error
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:48


Hey, Tanya. Thank you for inviting me. You know, I'm torn about this one, because I really would like to do. I think it would be fun to do vacation groups. The problem for me is I don't like itineraries. I don't like itineraries. I don't like when I go somewhere that I'm required to do this, that, and the third. I don't like that
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:18


We like to be real casual and laid back and kind of free spirited when we travel, and that works well for us. We also like to shop, and we love to experience great food. So our similarities really helped us in travel. But I've also traveled with people that I know well and discovered that we don't click when it comes to traveling because they're really messy. I'm not a really messy person. They may like to go to bed super early
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:13


Hey, sis, you are spot on with the whole itinerary thing because I don't like that either. I don't like the idea of everything being a group outing. I believe that if you give me a time frame, it's 08:00. Let's meet back at 06:00 and have dinner. The rest of the day is yours to do as you want, whether that is laying around the hotel and relaxing or whether that's going out, walking around, exploring, shopping, eating, whatever
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:18


And then if I'm shopping, I'm going to shop at a store that we have back, like, so I'll shop at a Burlington, a Macy's. I can't go to Ross and things that we don't have up north. Because if I get back home, even if I try it on and it fits something, that can always happen. Button breaks off a zipper, I'm ready to bring it back to the store, and I can't
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 2:50
For me, if I have to be with a group of people, it would be my first choice would be people that I know that I can handle and they can handle me, because traveling is fun. You don't want to go with someone who, along the way, too judgmental. I mean, you have a passion for traveling. Yes. Then too judgmental. Because when I'm traveling, my mind is open. But I'm also careful. Places that I go, dangerous places
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:24
And so I think that these travel groups will actually be a good thing. I love networking with people, so it will be great for networking. The only thing is being in a club, you may share a room with somebody or whatever that you don't know, and it could be good or bad. I will say that I did go, I had a life potion training in Texas one time and when I went to Texas, I didn't know my roommate
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:57


So I try to be mindful, which usually when I travel, it's just me and one other friend. I don't typically travel with groups, and so if I'm with someone and I know that their budget is limited, either I will pick up the difference or we will try to find somewhere that does still have local or cultural cuisine. But that's not high end. Now, today, that's difficult
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:13


I would not, as a woman, travel internationally. I would not. And as a woman, I wouldn't travel somewhere completely unfamiliar unless I'm going to meet somebody. I've flown across the country by myself before because I was meeting a friend that I had been friends with for quite some time in California, and so I flew across the country by myself. But usually if I travel alone, it's because I'm going to meet somebody that I know
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:37


Hey, thank you so much for your response. I think that traveling with a group is better than not traveling at all. If it came down to I really want to go to Dubai and I just don't have any friends or family that can afford to go or are willing to go. And a travel group is the next option if I really want to take this trip, if it's a bucket list thing, then I would go with the travel group
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 4:57
I like to travel, but I understand wanting to travel with clubs because as you said, a lot of times you want to travel with your friends, you want to travel with your family, and then when it comes time to do it, people, it doesn't make it out
