Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:44

Kountry Wayne Financially Supports All 10 of His Kids And their Mothers

For those who aren't familiar with Country Wayne, he is a comedian who first got his start on social media doing skits on Facebook Live. Those skits are still going today, even though he is no longer a character on those skits because of his rising stardom. But he still has actors that are doing these skits and continuing that story. So Country Wayne has risen to astronomical levels of success. He just recently put out a Netflix special

#family #comedy #socialmedia #childsupport #parents #fathers

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:25
I come from a background of men who take care of business, who provide, and who protect. So I don't know how it feels to deal with a man who doesn't want to be a man. So I don't know what that feels like. My dad was always a protector and provider, and he raised my sister and i. When him and mom split up, my dad took care of us. He wanted to take care of us, and he took care of us full time
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00


I said something similar to that, or rather, I'm sorry, I experienced something similar to that some time ago between a mother and my son and I. So my son was crying, and he was trying to explain something to me, and I was trying to get him to calm down. Calm down? Just relax. Just relax. You okay? You want to talk about it? He said no. And I said, okay. What about later? Okay?
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:51
It don't sound like none of them get food stamps. None of them are on any type of state assistance. You know what I mean? It don't sound like that for none of them. When he was on Sherry's show, she showed a picture of him with some cars, and I believe he had bought some cars. I think he had bought cars for his children. He got some older children. He bought cars for his children. But, yeah, it's nobody's business
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:39


Hey, Mo. I know this is Tanya swell, but yeah, I agree with you. I think society makes these picks and chooses, and they try to make it seem like they try to make it seem like, you know, people what's the word that they call men? What's that word that they say? I think it's simp. I think they say men is a simp. I think that's what they say, but I don't agree with that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 1:03
And I don't know why someone has to say anything negative to this man, about this man, what he chose to do as a king should. Not everyone can stand in his shoes. Not everyone has the means. But the men's that are out there that has the mean and choose to continue you to respect the mothers of their children, I honor you. I thank you and I respect you. But I'm waiting. I'm waiting for you to come get me
Moe Johnson
@NeophyteSavant · 5:00


But anyway, it's a lot to it. Yeah, she's sick. She has a couple of situations that's holding her down and it's like she's trying to bring everyone down with her. I mean, it's the mother of my son. She she gave birth to my son. And I'm not just going to let her drown, but you're not going to drown with my son. So I'm trying to work with her as best I can
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:58
And I know that ideally we promote the nuclear two parent family, but this situation like, this swell has me thinking, like, clearly, Wayne, with all due respect, he's not a one woman man, right? And I think instead of him being kind of forced in that box of being with one woman, have all your kids with her, get a house with a white picket fence and a dog. He's doing it this way
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:10


Hey, Erica, thank you so much for your response. And you're right. Yes, he's a stand up guy. No, he didn't go about creating a family in the best way because, of course, he wasn't married and he had children by multiple women, but at least he did not use that as an excuse as to why he's not stepping up. You have so many men that will not step up and take care of even two kids. Let loan ten
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:41


But continue to do what's right by your son and take care of him and take care of her, even though you're not even obligated to take care of her. I think that's wonderful. So thank you so much for this
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:11


I'm sure if he was a deadbeat and he was out here with all this money and fame and cars and clothing and all that stuff, I'm sure that if he was a deadbeat dad, that his baby mamas would speak out. They would speak out and say something because they would be complaining about the fact that he's out here spending all this money and all this other stuff and not taking care of his kids. They would be the first to say something. But even Jess hilarious
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:24


Even when he dated jess hilarious, she didn't go around talking about him or dogging him out after they broke up. And so a lot of his dating history, his dating life is pretty much under wraps. So, yeah, I don't know if he's a marrying type. He doesn't really seem to be concerned about marriage. I've never heard him talk about wanting to be married or tanya of that stuff
