Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:53

The Truth About Singleness Pt. 14: Is it Flirting Or Harassment?

These men are not interested. You can see them looking uncomfortable as these women are talking about, we gonna be together? You want me? Yes. You do not take a no for an answer. Just continuing to stand there instead of walking off so the next woman can come up or whatever, however the process goes. Standing there, not wanting to go anywhere, trying to make this man want them, trying to make this man agree to be with them or whatever

#dating #single #flirting #romance #men #women

d f
@MrDee · 4:35
People are going to look. You're out on a date, you're two, three inches taller than your man with your heels on, or even without. People may look and make comments, and no woman wants to feel that, I guess, pressure or embarrassment or whatever it may be, but we just got to choose who we love and love who we choose. That's the way I look at it
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 2:09


Mister deep. I just have one thing I want to say, and I guess it's because you said that women want a man that other women want, and I don't think that that's the case. I think that women like attractive men. Just like men like attractive women. I don't think when a woman looks at a man, she says, oh, I want him because everybody else wants him, eh? No, I don't think that's the case at all
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 2:28
Because men, men, what men want and what women want are completely different things. And whenever a woman decides to kind of stand up and voice her opinion, then all of a sudden it's kind of like, oh, what? She just, you know, she's being bougie or she's being picky or she's being this or that insane. It's really, really insane. And I'm always, I always take it back
Jacquelyn Jeffries
@Nomad4EVER · 0:33
And let me say, I love that show where they pop the balloons or whatever. I think it's. I think it's awesome. I think whether it's a man up there with the women popping balloons or if it's a man up there with the women popping balloons or the woman with the man popping balloons, whatever. No matter what it is, I think it's empowering. And I say 100%, I love watching that show, and I love how they choose people
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:57


Nobody else is really trying to get with you. Nobody else is really. That's weird. And we feel the same way about men. Like, if I'm dating a guy and none of my friends think he's handsome, and nobody really, you know, thinks he's handsome except me, that would be kind of weird. And I say the same thing about guys
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:51


So we and men, the same way men want to date a woman that other men find attractive. And so that's why they like to take their woman and show them off, because they know other men are going to be, like, low key or high key jealous of what he's got. And women know the same thing that other women are going to be low key, high key, wanting to, you know, wishing that he was talking to them, wishing he had chose them
