Abhay Shukla



My positive attitude,work ethics, and long -term goals will helps me to start my startup till 2024 and complete my dream to start startup and go USA

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
The Psychology of selling book summary in short

#iner games #selling #successful #people #buy #prospecting #driver #buuyers #sellers

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
The American spy best spy novel of all times is...

#PromptsByArish #supparish2 @arish #BookReview

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
The power of full engagement book summary

#health #emotion #happines #spiritual #energy #power #physical

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
How to win friends and Influence people book summary

#influence #win #hearts #impression

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
Mindset:The new psychology of success book summary

#mind #mindset #insidethemind #truth #accomplishment #sports #heros

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
Bhagavad gita review 🤩🥳☠💝

#bhagavadguta #krishna #arjun #yodha #

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
Deep Work by Cal Newport book summary

#deepwork #hardwork #work #focus #hell

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
5 Minutes time blocking: secret to Elon Musk's success #elonmusk #x #tesla #startlink #spacex

#elonmusk #tesla #books

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
Pitch perfect: Ultimate guide to on winning startup pitch
Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 3:56
Ram ayenge song swati Mishra

#ramayenge@Ram@ ram

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:33
Bill gates: 6 business lessons for entrepreneurial success

#entrepreneur #timeismoney # #cementyourposition #lookfor intricacies #go ahead&takethatrisk #thinklong run #business@power

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 5:00
The Entrepreneurial Mindset:15 key traits for success.

@dkswami@EntreNosotros@internet_skill #vison&purpose #resilence and adability #continue learning&improvement #risk taking #decision making # strong neywork

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:56
Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:12
Zero to one book summary part-5

#startup #man and machine #seeinggreen # #founders #thefounder'sfuture #stagnationorsingularity

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:41
Zero to one book summary part 4

#booksbyabhay #zerotoone #fundations #the mechanicofmafia #if you build it,will they come? #business #startups #money

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:55
Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:31
Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:19
Zero to one book part 1 summary


Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:00
The ways to deal customer

#booksbyabhay #inspirationlearningtogether.

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:53
INNOVATION & IDEATION a perspective of entrepreneurial mindset of

#$booksbyabhay$ #

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:49
The Magic Of Thinking Big By David Schwartz

#$ #booksbyabhay$_ #

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:59
The secret part :-2

# #booksbyabhay$ #

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:39
Part :–1 The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

$ #& booksbyabhay&$

Abhay Shukla
@mrx.com · 4:43
Part-2:– Your Money Or Your Life

$ #booksbyabhay$ #