Beautiful MO♥️
@MOnae · 4:55

EMBRACE what you can not Change!

They fear when someone wants to embrace them and the unconditional love that is foreign to them. Sometimes it's hard for us to embrace when our children come to us and say that they are feeling like they are girl when they are a boy or they like the same sex. It's hard for us to embrace people's choices of love and who they desire and decide to love

#embrace #acceptance #power #freedom #peace

Juanay Joy
@JuanayJoy · 4:17
I'm so grateful for this opportunity and this platform to be able to sit back, reflect, and to hear the wisdom of God just flow. And it's there for us to receive. So I receive it. I receive the godly wisdom that you're giving out. And I truly just thank God for you and I celebrate you. All right, keep going, keep going, keep going. And I just want to say God bless you. God bless you
Beautiful MO♥️
@MOnae · 1:28


Hey. Amen. Amen. Amen. To God be the glory. To God be the glory. I want to say thank you, my sister, my sister, my sister friend, my sister in Christ. God bless you. I appreciate you. And I thank you so much for being transparent and also sharing your testimony of where God has brought you and what you had to embrace in your life
