MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 4:52

The Art of Deception and The Art of Intrusion

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And better yet, the people that have your information. Like cell phone companies. Which is why I changed from Verizon. Yeah, Verizon. Anyway, now I use t mobile. It took me four months to straighten out that. Anyway, read these books. You'll love it, and you'll be glad you did

WarGames, created in 1983, was born from this high school hackers true life events.

@homosanity · 2:44
Thanks for the book recommendation. That sounds interesting. And I'm like, oh, no, you said Verizon. That's the phone company that I'm on. I've been trying to get. I'm actually on my sister's plan, which I get a discount from, but I really want to switch to get a new phone for free. But the only way you get the new phones for free is usually the group plan. So I'm like, please, let's all switch
MJ Brewer
@Mommas_Jungle · 4:54


So we went around, went around, and I said, I don't have the phone. So then this guy calls me and says, hey, I can't remember. He gave me his name. And he goes, I have your phone. And I said, who is this? And he goes, oh, I'm so and so. And I live in Arizona. So it turned out that they sent my phone to his house