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Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:35

MOMENT DEBATE: Are we losing our democracy? Join us! Add your voice here.

And to go through this article, it was a real pleasure for me, and I wanted to invite us to have a healthy debate, sort of teeing off from where they started in their conversation. Let's talk about what we believe to be true and not true for us in terms of our perspective on our democracy. Is it failing? Can we lose it? Or is it something that's going to stay in perpetuity just because of the way it was set up?

Join Dahlia , Tevi, and the staff of Moment - https://s.swell.life/STBP2I0HSIWWSDz

"Democracy May Be Evolving For Humans." @DBPardes

There's this thought on the rise that communities can self govern themselves. And if we were to imagine self governing communities, then we can start to see democracy actually take effect on smaller levels, if you would, because it seems that on a very large scale, democracy leaves room for failure, leaves room for exploitation, mishandling, exploitative, lies, paid aid, politics and representatives
Ellen Meltzer
@ellenmeltzer · 1:55


If that's a good foundation to start with. And again he said. Then that's a good place to start. Then I think we really need to build some steel reinforcements and poured concrete because democracy is not working if the foundation is weak. And clearly it seems to be weak. If in fact we believe that the most important aspect of it is liberty. Because many people don't have liberty
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Lance Watson
@lwatsonjr · 4:10

@DBPardes: democracy remodeling…

This day been trying for probably the last century or close to it, to move away from a bipartisanship. And largely, the prevailing opinions are represented by two parties in this democracy. I think, however, we may be at the cusp at the dawn of a new time in democracy where democracy does have a spectrum of representation
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:02

@lwatsonjr @The3rdOWL @ellenmeltzer

Just like Russia gate didn't. I think we're really looking at a democracy that is being controlled and levered by a very few, the minority. And that's not democracy. I feel like our votes for people who we want to see work on our behalf seem to be sort of swallowed up by a more powerful broken system

@DBPardes @lwatsonjr & @ellenmeltzer "Has Democracy Ever Existed?"

It's frustrating, actually, to even imagine if what we believe is democracy is some capitalistic illusion created to keep us in the spot or the place, consciously and physically, that they can benefit the most, the capitalists can benefit the most. What if democracy is the wheel, the hamster wheel in which us, like hamsters are making go round and round, but all we're doing is just working? We don't understand the wheel
Jack .
@zejacques · 4:00
This is a fantastic conversation. I'm an optimist at heart, so regardless of whether we think we're in a democracy, it doesn't exist. We actually are in one and it's decaying, or we're in one and it's not decaying. We're just challenged. I have hope for the future of humans, just humans in general, whether they're American, Australian or otherwise. Thanks for listening and giving me Spaced to speak
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 4:49
But the beauty of the constitution is how vague it was. And even 200 plus years later, we're able to change it in a way where it kind of meets our needs, sort of. Unfortunately, there's still all these restrictions that inhibit the growth of true democracy. Even a democratic republic there's gerrymandering and these requirements that prohibit people from being able to vote. If we really, truly believed in the democratic process, we would make voting a national holiday
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:45


Hey, Ran, it's so interesting you bring up the idea of defining before we debate, and I really appreciate that. And in the article there, there is a quite a bit of definition in both of their perspectives active when it comes to defending their position, the yes it is or no it's not. And I get very simple minded when I think about democracy
Mark Brooks
@markbrooks · 1:39

Power Corrupts All

And he was called out many times, and he shot from the hip quite constantly. That alone is a dangerous catalyst for the undermining of democracy, not only in the USA, but around the world. And now we do see a trend where democracies are being moving backwards, essentially. So I think we almost always consider that trait. Power Corps all and now democracy is absolutely being tested

Yes and no

I'm talking about every race of man in America where it's just promoting just these different behaviors and these different things. And now we don't know what this is. And even the Reverends telling me he's WAM assist male. It's like there needs to be repentance. This whole country is going to h*** and democracy eventually is going to be flushed down the d*** toilet
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 4:56
We have a democratic republic, I'm sure, you know, where we vote on representatives who vote for us. But then your solution is that everyone needs to repent. And that's problematic because for one, I don't see how that actually contributes to establishing or maintaining a healthy democracy. I assume for some that would be a way of fixing our culture and society. But that's what theocracies do. Like Islamic countries, the Taliban, they base their form of government on religion
Anthony Clinton
@phillyclint · 4:55
Yeah, you're showing me the information, but I don't believe that, then how can we truly come together if you're spoon feeding legitimate facts to other individuals and they just totally dismissed them in the past, when there were just CBS, ABC, NBC on the news, there was a commonality. You may have different opinions on things, but the news was the news
