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Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:42

Moment Magazine: What’s your favorite Jewish Joke? How does it feel telling today?

Let's tell a few jokes and then share with us, how does this feel to you right now in these days? I'm not going to leave the question, but I would just love to see if we still have a sense of humor about this stuff or somewhere in there people wondering if it's relevant in the climate we're living in today. I love a good joke. So I'm all for figuring out a way to laugh. But what are your thoughts about this?


Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 2:40

@DBPardes Let’s talk about it🙏🏾

But what I like that it suggests, which is what you suggest as well, is, can we just have conversations like, can we have really interesting conversations about real things that we might be uncomfortable about? Or we might think it's funny? And someone else might not think it's funny? And it might be funny, truly. And it might be contextual. It might be cultural. And it might be something that I like to say
Ellen Meltzer
@ellenmeltzer · 1:03


I enjoyed reading the jokes and interviews in the issue because for me, Jewish jokes do, as the introduction says, illuminate complex corners of the Jewish psyche. But I confess I'm not a jokes person by that. I mean, I don't laugh at most jokes. It is the rare joke that will have me laughing till the tears run down my face. Don't get me wrong. I love to laugh. I just think somebody of my friends are funnier than most jokes
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:34

My Mom’s Joke!

You know how sometimes you bump into someone you haven't seen in years and you think, wow, he's gotten so old. Well, my friend Miriam had just moved into a new place in Brooklyn and needed to find a dentist. She was going through the local Jewish paper when she came upon this ad announcing the opening of a new practice right in her neighborhood
