@mohit.jangra75 · 0:15

Long-term thinking

Hi everyone. Mohit this side. I just want to tell that it might take you 30 days to create a habit. But that habit could change your life for the next 30 years. So means longterm thinking really is the key to your success. Bye

#habit #success #planning #motivation

Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:25
Hi, Mohit. I used to be really skeptical of the 30 day method, and that was until I started working out and I pushed myself for a whole month. And then the month became two and then it became three. And now it's been a year, hour and a half. And I work out twice a week and sometimes more. So, yes, your advice really does work. And I hope people do listen and understand

#sayitonswell #sayitwithlove #voicescarry

Hey Mohit. So thank you so much for talking about longterm thinking. And this actually made me realize how I usually work out my plans which are long term. And what I use is I break down my longterm goal goal into short term goals. And achieving each short term goal gives me a sense of confidence to do more. And that is how I enable myself, I. Equip. Myself to do more. And that is my secret
