Who is your favourite Marvel Superhero? Why?

Hi. I hope you guys are doing well and having a great day. So I have a question for you guys that who is your favorite Marvel superhero and why? Please let me know your answers and I will appreciate that. Well, to be honest, I consider Captain America as one of the greatest and one of the best Avengers and is indeed one of my favorite. I admire him as a man of courage, strength, and character

#MCU #MarvelUniverse #Avengers #Superhero #Disney

Mazran H
@Maz24 · 0:30
For me it has to be Robert Downey Jr. As Iron Man. I have seen the recent movies Avengers and Endgame. I really like that character. Before that I have seen Iron Man series and from then I started liking this character but hope this is not the end of the Iron Man like what we have seen in Endgame
Jonathan Gossett
@JonathanGossett · 2:40

Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch

For me it would definitely have to be Wanda Maxmoff aka the Scarlet Witch. I absolutely love her and the MCU. I have not read any comics, but I know that she's absolutely amazing and so powerful in the comics. Obviously, like with so many characters in Marvel with the the cinematic universe, like they don't really stick to the screen with how powerful they are because it's a movie and so the comics aren't fully done justice, but the characters are still very powerful
Nishtha Kaushik
@Nishtha_10 · 1:18


But for the particular characters, it would be Captain America and Thor. And yes, apart from their Avenger character, like, the real person, like Steve Rogers. I really love that man. And exactly the same thing you said. He was totally dedicated to his work. Like, he tried so hard to be an army, and he finally got the part to be in one. And when he fought as an Avenger, he dedicated his life. Truly. He genuinely gave everything to them
yashasvi Gupta
@yeswithyashi · 0:26
My favorite Marvel superhero is a tie between Chris Devan the captain America and Dr. Saints because they both have their own story in the Marvel universe for white to become a hero and both inspire. Both are friends and both are good looking and handsome. They are my favorite superheroes
Anwesa Saha
@Anwesa · 1:50

@MitsuhaMiyamizu #sayitonswell

Hi. Geetanjali, we both shared the same taste because my favorite Avenger is also Captain America. What I love about him is that he is headstrong. Whenever he's decided on something, he goes on with it. And I could relate to him on so many levels because of that goes. And I love his innocence that although he doesn't know much about technology, he's always in the learning mode. And he never boasts about himself or he's never overconfident, even before the serum injection
L Kausar
@LuzuDayum · 1:18

#favouritemarvelsuperhero #collegevoiceindia

Yeah, my favorite character of Marvel series is none other than Thor, because I feel Chris Henceforth has a very dashing and a really versatile personality in that series of movies ways because he had that carefreeness and that really the most powerful Marvel superhero. And the way he used to talk and address people was truly funny. So, yeah, he was a concoction of funny, smart, powerful, and handsome, obviously
Nikita Arora
@The_gyaaniKeeda · 0:19


I'm really sorry. I just wanted to tell you that your name was just being called on film, and they already like you, and they all want you on that platform, so it's amazing. And I was like, yeah, she's really nice. And yeah, we were all talking about you. You are really amazing. I just wanted to know that
cosette tsai
@cosette · 0:58
And I don't know, he just has, like, a very good energy spirit. And we have a photo of him in our but I would say because he's my first. Sorry, my roommate's making hearts in front of Tom because he was like, my first Marvel superhero experience. I was just like, he's so fun, and I think he finds so much energy to do so many things


Hi. I hope you're doing great. And thank you so much that you replied in it. And yes, Tony Stark. I also love him. And without Tony Stark, I think Avenger is nothing. And all the superheroes in Marvel are so amazing and so cool. I can't even choose one. And it was so difficult for me to just choose one. It's Captain America and I really love him. And Tony Stark is also so amazing. They all are so amazing


Hey. Hi. I hope you are doing great and thank you so much that he replied in it. And yes, Karla, which is one of my favorite also. And the video explained, it was so amazing. I can sense that you truly love her a lot and it was was really great listening to you. Thank you. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


Hi. I hope you're doing great. And, oh, my God, I can't believe, you know, my second favorite is Thor. And I can't believe we have so much similar things. And I'm happy that I met you. And it was was really nice listening to you. And yeah, Captain America is so awesome. I mean, the way you explained it was so amazing. I'm just loving it. And listening to you is always. Thank you


I love Thor also. I love Doctor Strange. I love Tony Stark. I love all of them. Scarlet Witch, all of them. So it was really great listening to you and thank you. Thank you so much. You're


Hi Anisha. I hope you're doing great and thank you so much that he replied in it. I'm really happy that I met you. We both have different tastes and like so many things and Ya, Captain America is, is so great. And all the superheroes in Marvel are so great and they are super cool. And the way you explained it is so d*** amazing. I mean, I really appreciate that. So yeah. Thank you. Thank you for replying


Hey. Hi. I hope you're doing great. And it was really great listening to you. Yeah. My second favorite model superhero is Thor, and I really enjoy listening to you. It was really great. The way he explained it was so d*** good. I mean, so good. So, yeah, it was really great. And thank you so much. You replied in it. Thank you and have a great day ahead. Bye bye. Take care


So he is part of the cool group now and he is a great actor. And I even said that the MC Spiderman is my favorite live action portrayal. But some people just say that he's hot and that's why he is a favorite. But no, it's not like that. He's a great actor and I love him as an actor. His skills is everything. So yeah, it was really nice listening to you. And thank you so much that you replied in it. Bye
Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 2:10
Yet he did not lose his hopes every time. Even though he used to get upgrades in his medical reports, he still wanted to be a part of the military, the army team. And once there was a sale where there were certain army people who were doing practice, he was one of them. He was learning from them. And then the general or the superior said that he said that there is a bomb. There is a bomb
Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 1:02
Hey, bro, definitely. I watch Iron Man ask swell. All the three parts. I personally like the first and the third part. And I watched all his parts after watching the movie Infinity War. And Iron Man is the Iron has actually made us all think that, yes, technology can exist with human beings. So definitely. I love Iron Man for this
Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 1:26
And he is a very simple person who doesn't like to be around luxury and materialistic things. So definitely, he's one of my motivating and inspiring favorite venture, and I would like to say the same about Thor. He's too simple. He doesn't want to be the King just for the sake of being the King. He, too, is a great leader
Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 1:58
So the movie gave a clear picture to others as well that yes monasteries, monks are not backward things. They are forward things and they are used to help people well they are used to show people about the direction towards life. So yeah this is also a point which I think many people forgot to point out. It's

@SSS135 #sayitonswell

And the scene you're talking about Bombala to save the people around him. And it was so inspiring. I even have saved that small clip. And I watched that clip again and again. It inspires me. It motivates me and it's so amazing. And I am happy that that he is my idol. And yeah, he really inspires me. And thank you so much that he replied. It was a really great listening to you. Thank you. Bye bye. Take care. Bye
Imari Roque
@imarialyssa · 1:09
Hi. Thank you so much for this topic. I love Marvel movies, and I'm always looking for an excuse to talk about them. So I who who who is your favourite Marvel superhero, Spiderman? Just because I'm from New York City. So, like, all of the people, the places and the things just feel really familiar to me. I also think that I love the story of an underdog who's moving forward and trying to pursue all of his dreams at once
@Swastik_sharma3 · 2:22
Hey. So like you said, I'm also a Captain America fan and I usually support the argument that you put forward in a case of why Captain America is one of the greatest characters of Marvel and in general of cinema. So if I say that Captain America is the character who has suffered the most in marble, people may say that no, in the end I vision died and every other person in the superior different things
punitha B R
@Pooh · 0:21


Well, I'm not a Marvel fan, to be very honest, and I don't watch any sorts of series or movies like be whatever it is relating to Marvel. But as I've heard, Captain America and yes, that's it. I know about it. And yeah, thank you. Bye


He has to deal with his problems with uncle Ben's death, aunt may, Mary Jane in school and daily bubble and he has to make sure everyone doesn't die since it's his responsibility to keep everyone safe, he needs to balance things with his Spiderman life and his normal life struggling ask swell. So yeah, I love him. He's really great


There were few such scenes which pulled me over one where Rogers were being bitten by some fellow soldiers who were taller and stronger than him. He smashed Rogers quite badly. Blood was gushing out of his face to which Rogers said, I can do this all day. These words made me realize he was already a superhero from within, even when he was skinny or short


Hey. Hi. I hope you're doing great. And, oh, my God. You don't know about Marvel Universe, but you have heard of Captain America. It's really good. He's so amazing. But give it a try. I mean, it's so amazing. It's like you if you start watching it, you can't go back. It's that type of scene. So please, I'm recommending. Please watch it. It's really amazing


He has been portrayed as someone living up his dreams when he puts on his mask web, swinging across the New York City catching criminals. But Peter Parker, he was bullied at school, bullied at work, rejected by love of his life. He's socially awkward and isolated. If he does somehow manage to seduce the girl, she can't know his secret and if she happens to find out, she's probably going to die. He's only living family member
Eashaan Garg
@eashaan06 · 0:38
All of my Marvel characters are favorite. I inspire them a lot. And all of them give me some decisions about life. But as my favorite character is moonlight because he always wear white as his Mark suit and he's not afraid of anything. And he is God of Moon. Or we can say Avatar of Kanchu who is actually the God of Moon. So I inspire him a lot, really adore him because he's not afraid of anything
Diya Sawhney
@diyasawhney · 0:37

#spiderman #superhero #marvel # theamazingspiderman

Hi, it's Anwesa. So my favorite Marvel superhero is Spiderman. He's so brave. He saves the world almost every day. The Amazing Spiderman is the story of a young boy, Peter Parker. His costume is colored of red and blue. It's so cool. He's hard working and he has the ability to climb balls on almost any surface. Like when I watched The Meeting Spiderman and all the parts. After that, I literally got goosebumps and then his pants


It almost feels like a mystery because of the little secrets he slowly ungovers and finds out about his alter egos life throughout the first episode. I think music selection is an important part of a Thermo series and they threw some great 70s and 80s gems in the first episode. Most importantly, the acting is great, especially from the main character. And he is a rather fearful, lonely man who calls his mom a lot


Hi. Thank you so much that you replied in it. And yeah, I mean, Spiderman, he's so cool and I really love him. He is an amazing Marvel. And I have been following Spiderman when I was a child. And, you know, Spiderman was something that was the way of mine to come into Marvel MCU and it's really amazing. Spiderman was something that was my way to come into Marvel Universe. So I really love him. He's amazing. He sold
