Michelle Murad
@MichelleMurad · 1:30

Impromptu! Don't press the red button, Your Royal Panjandrum...

I think you're hangry. And sometimes we make irrational decisions when we're hungry or we're tired or we just need a nice, long, relaxing bath. So do me a favor. Come on upstairs, try this ravioli with me. You're going to love it. And we'll cheers to another day here on earth

#Impromptu #sspgimpp1 https://s.swell.life/SU6UMY5qFWtQeo6 #CreativePrompt

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:16
Michelle, this might be the best one I've heard so far. Amazing. I've really been enjoying kind of going around and listening to everyone's take and your voice and the presentation. It sounds like you're definitely just, like, reading the next lines of the script. That was very, very seamless
Michelle Murad
@MichelleMurad · 0:35


Ty, thank you so much. That's so kind. I literally was just wrapping up at the studio that I work at and I saw the prompt and I was like, excuse me, I just yawned. I was like, I gotta try this. And I just, just ripped it, which is fun because I was like, do I write something or do I just, like, say something? So thank you so much. I really appreciate that
