Mia Blue
@Miabluemusic · 5:00

A World of Pausabilities, an exercise in mindfulness

Hello, swell listeners. I chose this book to read to you today because I work with preschool and kindergarten age children. I'm a yoga teacher and also I teach them meditation. The book that I chose is called A World of Possibilities. It's an exercise in mindfulness. It's written by Frank Celeo and the illustrations are by Jennifer Zavon. You might even hear me turning the pages because I'm actually reading the book. Do you know what a possibility is?

#story #calm #meditation #mindful #soothing

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:27
I know five minutes is not long, so I understand if it was longer than that, but yeah, thanks for bringing bring in a little bit of that insight and possibilities here
Mia Blue
@Miabluemusic · 0:47


I like to take a little bit longer with my students in class, you know, talking and discussing the book as I'm reading it. But here in this forum, I think it's a great space to just be able to read, like, a little five minute book. Glad you enjoyed it
