Phyllis Southards
@merkabah74 · 4:55

The History of Crystal Use

And we can track the use of crystals and magic formulas through the documentations that they etched in their stone tablets called qubits. And like I said, that was, you know, 6500 years ago. They were talking about making magic elixirs and creating elixirs for healing back in Sumerian times. Then we jump forward to the ancient Egyptians that existed between 5000 and 3100 BC. And they were found to use lapis lazuli, turquoise, Carnellian, emerald and clear quartz in their jewelry, in their statuary decorations

@merkabah_ascension #highervibes #lightworker #magick #tarotreading #om #5thdimension #5dconsciousness #flowstate #lightcodes #zen #astr

Phyllis Southards
@merkabah74 · 4:45

#highervibes #lightworker #magick #tarotreading #om #5thdimension #5dconsciousness #flowstate #lightcodes #zen #astrology #ascensionprocess #energy #spir

And the more I believe that, it brings luck to the family by passing down this generational ancestral spirit pendant through the ages. Another example of crystal use in our history is the burial sites in Mexico. They found ancient jade masks in burial sites in Mexico, so they know they were using jade as an art form there as well. Crystals and gemstones have played a part in most religions. They're mentioned throughout the Bible, the Koran and many other religious texts
Phyllis Southards
@merkabah74 · 3:49

#crystals #crystalhealing #metaphysical #ancienthistory #magik #positvelife #vibes #frequency

The Earth is made of giant crystal forms older than recorded time, millions of years old. Also, crystalline structures as big as skyscrapers exist deep within the Earth that we're just finding, you know, just in the last couple of decades. Those are resonating and vibrating at or above the same frequency of our bodies. Nowadays, a lot of people are vibrating at really low frequency. There's a lot of fear out there and a lot of just confusion, chaos, fear, that sort of thing

Loved learning the #history of #crystals!

Hi, Phyllis, I just found your Swellcast channel and was very, very excited to learn about the history of crystals, who utilized them in their healing ceremonies and how much history crystals have. So I am pretty new to using and working with crystals. I've been on this journey for a couple of years, so I'm still very new to it
