Meenal Acharya
@Meenal_92 · 3:53

Is being inquisitive to surpass your challenges for being a specially abled an offence?

But at the end of the day, all I received were betrayals. Where my teachers were like Godmothers to me all these times. But for the very first time I came across the one who was avoiding me just because I had grasping issues and was taking time to learn the topic that she was teaching. Where it was very well evident about her flaw in teaching. But just because other students didn't gather courage to express their feeling. So there too I was judged because I spoke up

#FirstSwell #AboutMyself

Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@Foodographer · 4:58

#confessions@ #confession

There are very few people who can make those drawings or those arts in such a way, in such sharp colors, in such vividness that it appears so real. We all are different and people let me tell you being a boy, being a man I'll tell you what I have faced recently. So I have traveled into different places and I've suffered by drinking different waters in different areas. That kind of resulted in hair fall and it's not that extreme
Meenal Acharya
@Meenal_92 · 4:42


And I am the original Meenal only when I do painting. Or else if the one you're speaking to or the one who is right now speaking is artificial mineral because right now I'm actually flowing with the flow of the tractors, you can say because post shifting to India, I find that the artists are not welcome that much. Even when I talked with some of my friends who are also artists, they too sharma their experiences
