Mazlan Abbas
@mazlan · 1:24

LOAE #5: Challenges in Building Consumer Mobile App

Hey guys, one of the main challenges of building a consumer mobile app is to acquire the customers and how do you grow them? I have a solution. What I call Discover is meant for travel and tourism, but currently it's been targeted for family and friends, finding their locations and sharing their itineraries and checklist or whatever. I think you can find this discovery in our iOS app store and also the Android, Google Play

#mobile #consumer #startup #entrepreneur #socialmedia #marketing

Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 1:44
And I would say, start there. And once you understand how consumer marketing can be, how it's been studied and how it's positioned and how you go about it, then I would say, convert other digital space and apply the same levels in the digital space. I hope this helps
Arish Ali
@arish · 1:01

Basically, you experiment, try which of these approaches and techniques is working for you at different stages of growth, and whichever is working, you run experiments and whatever works at a particular stage, you double down and focus on that at that stage until you maximize your kind of growth from that particular strategy, and then you move on to the next one. So it's a very practical approach and a very hands on approach that you can use. So I hope you'll that your full
Howie Rubin
@Howie · 3:09
So to get a million users, the spend is approximately $3 million. Simple math. The second problem that you have is in retention. The average app or the average user uses basically 20 or 21 apps on a daily basis or a monthly basis on their app. The rest of the 80 apps remain dormant, and a key problem is retention. Retention in the app market after 30 days is approximately 10%, which actually means that of the million apps that you paid to install
Howie Rubin
@Howie · 1:09
Well, I happen to think it's on the radio and that one of the things that you really have to build into Swell is using voice as a control. If you can do this, then you could take advantage of the downtime that people have while commuting to work. So you have voice. Great hour if that's the average commute time back and forth for people to use. Well
Howie Rubin
@Howie · 0:50
So again, if we can make Swell voice activated by that, I mean, the controls are voice activated, so it's hand free and safe. Swell is a perfect application to work, to entertain, to listen to while you're in the car
Mazlan Abbas
@mazlan · 2:26

@arish @howie Lifestryle and Social App

Not a lot, but at least I've been doing some podcast, but I need some conversations. So I feel that this is one way. Once you have posted out sharing your information, you would like to hear other people to give you feedback. And somehow, as I mentioned earlier, it's like a podcast with FB conversations. So most of the time when you have conversations on Facebook, you can't convey everything. You just write a little bit
