Mary Shokralla
@marysh0k · 3:08

#DebateThis can you suppurt the lgbtq/trans community and still not want your child being exposed to such at a young age?

Just because I don't want my child being exposed to such complex information at such a tender age doesn't mean that I am against the community or I am not for their rights or I think they're less or I don't think they should pursue what they need to in order to feel happy. In the same way, I don't feel that heterosexual sex ed or anything of the sort should be taught at such a tender young age

#debatethis #lgbtq #opinions #social #culture #sociology #society

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:22
Mary. Hello. Interesting. Now you identify as LBGTQ plus being bisexual, so it's interesting with your stance on it. I I find it interesting within in what we educate to our kids versus what they never receive an education on and have to kind of learn about through media, as was I, to a certain degree. With sexuality, I don't honestly find it irreprehensible for schools to teach because it's not exactly the whole part of the curriculum
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:19
You're a boy, you love a boy or a girl. You're a girl. You love a girl or a boy. I've heard your child is going to see you with girls and see you with boys and ask questions. Depends on the age. You never said how old your child is. But even like, my three year old, soaks everything up. He doesn't have to ask a lot of questions. He just sees it and it's there


But I'm curious when you're talking about what is too complex for a quote unquote tender age, what complexities are you talking about? Are you talking about the fact that there are spectrums or are you talking about the complexities of the logistics of do you know what I mean? What is it specifically that's concerning? And I'm guessing because you mentioned second grade, that that would be around the timing that it's concerning
Sean GTR Harrold
@SeanGTRHarrold · 4:57

Go deeper👉👉

I'm going to say not. I'm going to say not. That's too young. I've been only a child for predominantly from the time I was born. Throughout coming to my probably my I can save time about 1516 years old. My parents had other children after they had other relations, after they parted ways and had other children, other people. So I questioned a lot. I read a lot
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 5:00
And so it's not something that should be taught in the schools, it's something that should be taught by the parents. Furthermore, it's something that parents have the right to say what they want to their children to have access to. It's bad enough that this stuff is all on the internet and it's all on the TV, right? And every child does not mature at the same rate and they don't understand at the same rate
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:43
And so again, those decisions and those conversations should be left to the parent to have with the child because the parent knows more about that child than the people at the school do or people in the community and especially people in society. And just because I say I think children shouldn't be exposed to that at school, that doesn't mean I hate this community. It just means I don't want my grandchildren exposed to that at school. Their parents can tell them about that
