Marc Sander
@MarcS1971 · 4:47

The Fallacy of Power

This of course led me to being asked to watch the second movie, which I agreed to. And this time I kind of hated it. I mean, first world problems, right? You got two hot guys who want you. Ah, poor me. Anyhow, when the third one came out, the logic my wife gave me was, well, you watch your first two, you have to see the third one. This went on and on until I watched all five

# memoirs # philosophy # book #autism

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:00
And I think even a leader is different than a manager, someone who manages people. I think a leader is somebody who gets in there and realizes what their team needs and provides them that. And in a way that's kind of following, right. In a sense of give and take in maybe like an employment sense or I guess, anything, really
Marc Sander
@MarcS1971 · 2:56


Thank you for the reply. I really like to hear people's thoughts on this topic, especially lately. In the last few years, there's a word that's been thrown around that was not thrown around at all when I was growing up as the topic of an alpha male. And all kinds of guys like to claim that they're the alpha male, but they want to be that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Valerie G
@ValBGood · 1:30
And I do love words. And I looked at the definition of the word power and it was the ability to do or act that was the first definition. So it had me thinking of act as an actors and actresses. So I wondered if all the people that actually perceive they have power is an act. And then it also had me thinking is if even embodying the act of having power, it gives you that ability to have it because we know what we think we create
