Marc Sander
@MarcS1971 · 5:00

One Peppermint Starlight

I would ask for what I needed to cover my rent and small amounts of money for food. As I became more uncomfortable getting help from my parents, I began to limit how much I ate. Prior to my depression, I had weighed about 250 pounds in the three years I worked at NDC. I put on about 80 pounds because I just loved going out to eat. It was happy times. I went out to fast food every morning

# memoirs # book #autism

@homosanity · 5:00
I can see you in it and where you are now. And I feel it, too. Even right now, I'm still kind of, in ways, going through pieces of it, just not as bad
Marc Sander
@MarcS1971 · 0:55


And that's something I really had a very hard time with, was showing people that I struggled. And that's actually addressed on my next post, which is also from the book. I did a whole chapter in my book about struggling. It's just called dark times, and there's four different stories from there. And definitely keep in touch. I'll be listening to your forecast. Alright, have a good one. Thanks
