Manya Munjal
@manyamunjal · 2:17

Whatever you are, be a good one | | Cover by Manya Munjal

Something which you do not like. I may love it to the extent, but the main thing here is that whatever you should be, you should be a good one. I know it is a hard job in the day today to just let go of your ego, let go of all the jealousy and all the insecurity you have. When the panic attacks are increasing, people are having body dysmorphia. You need to take a day out from a week at least to have a self cure day

#swellcast #collegevoiceindia #manyamunjal #selflove #care #life #amazing #lovingyourself

Nupur Chauhan
@Nupur_23 · 1:23
So, yeah, it was an amazing swell and an amazing reminder that we are very like us ourselves are very enough and us ourselves are very compatible for this world and compatible of survival. So thank you so much for this swell. I really hope that it's hearing you in the future. And again, thank you so much because this was such an amazing piece to hear
reader 75063
@reader75063 · 2:44

@manyamunjal #collegevoiceindia #poetsofswell #swellcast #poeticPath

And it works in a lot of ways, whether it be commenting about people online, whether you are talking to someone face to face, or whether you are working at any conversation. And what you say is also right. Because sometimes being a good person, being a good citizen, being a good human being is really simple. Just do good things. And explaining that to someone is difficult sometimes because we are filled and surrounded by a world of people who are doing bad things
Manya Munjal
@manyamunjal · 0:28


Hey, Nupur. Thank you so much for all the compliments that you have shared on me. I believe that indeed, life is not a race, as in your own being is not a race. You cannot compete with other individuals knowing the state of mind that you have, and they have. You are an original piece, and authenticity is what matters at the end of the day. So with that yes. Thank you. And yeah, you'll hear more pieces like this
Manya Munjal
@manyamunjal · 0:39


So just make it count. No. Why? To compete with others when you yourself can be authentic? Let's have more conversations like these. And I'm looking forward to talking with you
Manya Munjal
@manyamunjal · 0:21


Sivani Boligay manka APA Khoi or Ngositulkari hussitul Hui according to Kabir Dasji also, we must be both good to ourselves and to the people around us. Because that's how life would be. More full of sweetness and melody
@Raunak · 1:30

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast

Or even if I don't get an A, I'm definitely not a failure in life. It's really important nowadays to understand that even if you are good at something, do your best and be proud of what you are doing. And if you're tired, if you're exhausted, you shouldn't feel guilty about taking a break, taking that 30 minutes nap, or going out for a vacation. Always remember that you are not a machine. You're a human being
Manya Munjal
@manyamunjal · 0:28


Hey, Raunak. How are you? I'm so sorry for the late reply. I wasn't active once. Well, so yeah, your voice is quite soothing as well. And your name is really pretty. Thank you so much for the compliment you gave me. And I agree with you. People have made life a race instead of enjoying it. But life is something which you have to enjoy. You know, like that saying KalHo now. So, yeah, that's it
