Phyllis Allen
@MamaMinnie · 4:55

Summer of Freedom..Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around

Each truck was loaded with axe handles, bats, and other weapons designed to break a man's bone and, more importantly, his wheel. Sam Bauer's truck bed was filled with five gallon gas cans, enough to torch the entire state. Soon the blackness of the Mississippi night sky would be lit by the roaring flames of gasoline soaked hate. Parishioners of Mount Zion AME Church would be beaten, some severely in an effort to make them give up their quest for the right to vote

#SummerofFreedom #FreedomSummer

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:33
What you're saying. And your voice, it's all so powerful together. It's like, doubly powerful. And you're certainly imprinting it in the minds and hearts of anybody who listens. I'm sure of that. I like your call to action at the end as well. Yeah, I think it's really important, and I'm very glad that you're sharing it on here. And, yeah, it certainly touched me
