Mala Sridhar
@Mala · 1:07

Become like a child -Simple Meditation technique

Hi, everybody. I came across this very beautiful, simple form of meditation. I read it somewhere, and I thought I'd share it with all of you. It's called child meditation. So how do you practice child meditation? Its as simple as this. Close your eyes, visualize youre an infant. Then open your eyes and look at everything with wonder as if for the first time. So its as simple as that. Child meditation. It can instantly rejuvenate and refresh you. Try it
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:41
Hey, I think anything that makes you feel childlike, which instills the kind of excitement, the joy and the innocence a child has, you know, inside, I think it's definitely worth giving a try. So, yeah, I think I will definitely try meditating. Try, you know, doing the child meditation. Although I'm not someone who is into meditation a lot, but I do try to seek out different ways to regulate my emotions and to calm myself down whenever I need to
Mala Sridhar
@Mala · 1:49


Hi, Aishani. Thanks for your message. And as you rightly said, there's so much of joy and excitement and innocence in a child and something that I think we lose as we grow older. And also the fact that, you know, children, they look at the most ordinary things with so much of awe and wonder
Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 0:18


Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful piece. And it is very, very interesting and simple and creates lot of, lot of vibrations. So thank you for very much for sharing this. Have a wonderful day
