Mala Sridhar
@Mala · 1:00

If I could be a character in any book or movie...

If I could be a character in any movie, then I would choose to be. I would choose to play the character of Maria in the Sound of music, played by Julie Andrews. Such a warm, loving, kind, compassionate, funny at the same time, very vocal and very firm, lovely character and loves music and is so full of life and such a high energy person. So I would love to play the role of Maria in the Sound of music

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp1 #TellYourStory

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:05
Ditto, ditto, ditto. Thank you for sharing this. Bye
Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:42
I think I totally misinterpreted this question. I interpreted it to mean if I could be the character in my life, like, live their life. But if it's to play the character, no problem. But to be Maria, I'd be scared to be Maria, to live her life because of the whole world war two scene. But to play her character, fine. Yeah, that's a lovely character, and I agree with you, if it's just a plate
