Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 2:59

Unlocking the Queen Code -ex.1

The Southern part in me who just wants to be a trophy wife and be a mom is just slapping herself. How could you let this happen? But I did. So that's what I'm releasing, this sort of toxic reverence for relationship and this feeling as if my life is not complete because I'm not in the relationship that I want. So I ask you to partake in this exercise with me and answer, what will you release in this sacred season?

#selfawareness #goddess #queen #psychology

Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 3:54
Hey. Happy Thursday. I hope all is well with you and yours. This is a really good topic, because lately I've been seeing on social media different reels and videos and posts about people standing ground, knowing who they are in the world and doing right. Yeah. Women in 2022 is kind of in a confusion state of mind when it comes to this topic you are talking about, because there's different definitions and meanings to a woman being a queen and claiming her throne
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 4:52


Of course, we know where that idea kind of came from and where it was funded, really, to get women to work, to get more workers out on the field and paying taxes and kind of breaking up families with, now the mom isn't at home. And I don't mean to talk about that. But in a lot of ways, that is the root of it. If you don't understand something, always follow the money, and it will help you understand things
