Tommy K
@LyftedHeights · 3:15

Ask Questions

It. When we're kids, we don't have the understanding or the experience in life to question. So we take anything that an adult says to us as absolute fact. And that's the programming aspect of life. That's the conditioning aspect of life. The problem is people get older and they don't question those foundational beliefs, right? They take it as fact, like it's a definite can't question it

Beliefs are the foundation to your thoughts and your perception. If you don’t question things, you could be living on a bad data set.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:00

#tellingtruth #insight #motivation

It's. Hey, I love what you said about truth. Can stand up against questioning and lies and deceit cannot. I think it's very true. I think I heard a saying, and I won't be able to say it exactly right, but something to the lines of, you won't have to remember anything if you tell the truth. So lying just takes a lot more effort. And I hear what you're saying
Tommy K
@LyftedHeights · 1:29


You, man, that's so true. That quote that you were trying to remember about truth doesn't take any effort. I mean, it's so true because I come from a background of being a junkie for a few years, and, man, I used to come up with all these complex lies on top of lies on top of lies to manipulate and get to people's money just so I could we use or whatever
