Noesha Ferrell
@luvewrld · 0:57

How do you feel about hope?

You. It's 440 in the morning, and this is my first swell. But I just had some thoughts that doctors are allowed to tell you if you will be okay or not because I guess, you know, they're educated for it. For it. But for, for people that's not educated, and that will tell you that it's okay. That it's going to be okay

#mental #question #thoughts

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:34

#hope #faith

As you mentioned, people who have different degrees that would constitute a higher level of education. I feel like all of these things can lead into what we call Hope. But I think hope is also synonymous with faith. And I think depends on what you believe in, depends on where you put your hope
