Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:47

Mystical Sedona, AZ

You can just sit quietly and soak in everything about it. It is highly recommended if you end up anywhere near Sedona. There were a lot of things that I did, but this by far was the most impactful. Anyway, thanks for listening. And I'm really enjoying listening to everyone else's experiences and seeing their beautiful photography

#travelphotoweek #photography #redrock #mountains #sedona #arizona #buddhism #buddhisttemple #stupha #amitabha #buddha #spirituality #spritualplaces

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:18
Wow. That looks so beautiful. I've never been to Sedona or Arizona at all, but I've always wanted to go, and this just makes me want to go even more. Sounds like a really yeah, like a really special place. Thank you so much for sharing
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:53

@r.o. #sedona #travelphotoweek #travel #photo

Yeah, I had heard a little bit about it. People told me that I in particular, would like it. And I was like, why did they tell me that? I guess because I'm a little woo woo or a lot woo woo. But, yeah, I didn't know what to expect. And I got there and I was like, this is better than what I had read or expected. It's very much just something you have to experience
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@jeffreymark312 · 0:42
I've only been to Sedona twice, both times just passing through. One time I did take that pink Jeep tour up into some of the trails, which was pretty awesome. Fantastic views and definitely felt some kind of energy there. It's almost palpable. An absolutely beautiful scenery. Stark but beautiful for sure. From there, both times I headed up to the Grand Canyon. But I do need to get back to Sedona and spend at least a weekend there. Thanks for your insight
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:22

@jeffreymark #travelphotoweek #rainbow #doublerainbow #magic #sedona #arizona #travel #photography

Hey, thanks for replying. I was going through my photos again because I got all nostalgic and I almost forgot that while I was there, this incredible double rainbow happened over the red rocks. So I've included a photo of that there. Talk about magical. Anyway, thanks
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:17
Hey, thanks for sharing. I totally understand what you mean when you talk about the spirit of a place. I felt very similarly. I just did a post about grindelwald in Switzerland and I mean, it is, I think, probably the closest I've been to having like an out of body experience. It was certainly something that was new for me to experience, at least emotionally cosmically


I could not agree with you more. sedona is so mystical. It's one of my very favorite places to go to. It is always a treat. It is always a new energy experience when I go there. And it just feels like magic and serenity. I love this location too. I have been there and you just feel like you're transported. You really do. I love your photo
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:28

@EmpoweredEnergy #sedona #travel #travelphoto #travelphotoweek #labyrinth #sedonamago #arizona #walkinglabyrinth #spirituality

Yeah, I already want to go back. I just went in September and it's calling me back. Must be all the magnetism of the land there. And since I posted this, I went back and looked at a bunch of my photos, and I posted one here in my reply. I stayed at the sedona mago resort. So I don't know if you've stayed there or if you can get to it. I think you can just go to the property without staying there


It's? Oh, that would definitely be something that I want to experience. I've actually looked at the Sedona Mago to host a retreat there, so I think that would be amazing. And that's definitely going on my list for the next time I return, because there will absolutely be a next time. Thank you for sharing
