lily rafat
@lilraf · 1:34

Second day 🙈

Hi, everyone. Today I want to talk about my second day in person at Eclake today. I was by myself, Manning the reception desk. Scary, but it was okay. There were barely any calls, and honestly, there was there's so many robocalls, so I just go Echo Lake, listen to a talk for 5 seconds and then hang up

#internship #reception #office

Leah Kelly
@leahkelly · 0:30
Hey girl. I'm really excited to hear about your second day. It's so fun to see how things progress in the workplace and you're becoming like a real big person. This is very exciting. I'm looking forward forward to the rest of this time for you. I think it'll be great. You're only going to grow your relationships more with these people face adversity, but you'll overcome it. I know you will
Janet Yang
@janetyang · 0:16
Hey, Lily. That sounds awesome. John sounds so cool. I'd love to meet him. Maybe. I don't know. Okay. So proud of you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kayla Patel
@kaylapatell · 0:24

mmmm Brekkie tacos

Wow. Good for you. That is so exciting. You sound like you're thriving. Hopefully you can get a little lunch break with our friend Hannah. Yeah, I'm really happy for you. And that's really nice about the breakfast. Tacos. Sounds yummy
