We just need to think about ourselves, how we will feel. We should never let our own self feel sad or bad or upset about our decisions. Sometimes it's okay we have to take some very hard decisions in life. But loving yourself, taking care of yourself is the best thing that can be done. Ikbatiyogai tusri yoga joe being a girl a female in India is like kitnaviya mindset change karloko kitana viya panjukate karlo logo ikvaratai comment karangi karangi so how to overcome that comment?

#beyou #selflove #selfcare

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:16
I will do this, I will do that, and I will be able to lead a beautiful life. And that's all that really that I think, is OG game changer. Or zaru Kutke sadwak vitana meditate karna kutme kutkandar jakna important hair or hamari daeshmi. Being a woman, you faced a lot of judgment and criticism from society, but akwatkiba samajma lok johikah lok abkhili apka life lead kandanikovarna jesse VI karna chahar sakta
Surabhi Verma
@Surabhiverma29 · 3:26
Because you let go of the fear, you let go of the scarcity mindset, you let go of your unworthiness and you become the embodiment of both Shiva and Shakti. That's what the spiritual journey is all about realizing who you truly are and following your purpose
